Selected photos for 2016





























Kawawa Fuji park, northern Yokohama, January 1, 2016


The park is locally known for its miniature-sized Mt. Fuji (74 meters above sea level), 

in Tsuzuki ward, Yokohama. It was originally built in the latter part of the Edo period,

for the purpose of worshipping the highest mountain in Japan. What a surprise to have

seen so many people there who came to observe the first sun rise in 2016. The photo

shows people coming down from the hill top after the sun rise.






























Terracotta soldiers, February 18, 2016


I visited the Tokyo National Museum to see the special exhibition of the Terracotta soldiers

and horses from the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang (259-210 BC), the first emperor of China. 






























Volunteers, northern Yokohama, March 17, 2016


The two men in their yellow windbreakers are volunteers who, mostly in their 60s and

70s, look after school children going to school every morning. They say that they would

like to continue their activities as long as possible because they draw "strength and

energy" from the children.





























Cherry blossoms, April 1, 2016


Cherry blossoms along a footpath in Kohoku new town, northern Yokohama.






























A traditional charcoalpit, April 2, 2016


This charcoalpit is located in Center Minami (south), northern Yokohama.






























Kitanomaru park, Tokyo, April 4, 2016


The spring has come. The park is located near the Imperial Palace.































A fishing pond, northern Yokohama, April 8, 2016


You can enjoy fishing carp here (entrance fee:2,200yen per day).






























Cherry blossoms, Kohoku new town, northern Yokohama, April 10, 2016































Azaleas, Machida city, April 15, 2016


This photo was taken near Kouzo-ji, a Buddhist temple known for beautiful flowers

(particularly rhododendron and peony flowers in May).






























Carp-shaped streamers, Center Minami (south), northern Yokohama, April 25, 2016


Carp-shaped streamers "fly" in the sky, wishing for a boy's healthy growth.


























Atami, Shizuoka prefecture, April 30, 2016


Atami is a popular hot spring resort, lying on the seashore facing the Pacific Ocean

about 90 km south west of downtown Tokyo. Atami literally means "hot sea" deriving

its name from a legend that hot springs spewed from the sea. 






























No. 3 battery, Tokyo, May 29, 2016


This battery, now a park, was one of the six batteries hastely built in the Bay of Tokyo

for defending the Shogun's palace in the 1880s. The photo was taken from Rainbow































Jyokei-ji, a Buddhist temple, June 16, 2016


The temple is located in the northern part of Kawasaki city and is well known for beautiful flowers year around, especially hydrangeas in June. Once inside the premises, you will be surprised to see more than ten stone statues of monks sporting cheerful expressions and

in lively poses like reading a book, drinking sake, playing shogi (chess) and so on. This particular photo depicts a monk in contemplation.































The Minato Mirai district, Yokohama, September 26, 2016


School children visiting Minato Mirai, which literally means: port of the future.





























Jike countryside, northern Yokohama, September 27, 2016


Rice is the main crop there. Rice planting is carried out usually in May to June and

harvesting in September to October.






























Enoshima, October 23, 2016


It is a "tied island" or "land-tied island", some 40 km south west of downtown Tokyo.

The photo depicts Enoshima yacht harbor, the site of yachting events during the 1964

Tokyo Olympics and will host the events again for the 2020 Olympics.  






























Center Minami (south), northern Yokohama, November 5, 2016


Autumn scenery along a footpath.































Baji-koen, Tokyo, November 13, 2016


It is an equestrian park and was the site of equestrian events during the 1964 Olympics. 

It will host the events again for the 2020 Olympics.  





























Center Minami (south), northern Yokohama, November 15, 2016



























Kohoku new town, northern Yokohama, November 16, 2016






























Kohoku new town, northern Yokohama, November 19, 2016


Winter has set in.






























Tama Plaza, northern Yokohama, December 8, 2016


A fire department brass band plays Christmas numbers.


Facts about Yokohama

Kohoku New Town

Jike countryside

Selected photos for 2023

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